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What is an Inclusive Leadership Training Programme, and What are Its Benefits? – Newspaper Dairy
Sunday Dec 22, 2024

What is an Inclusive Leadership Training Programme, and What are Its Benefits?

Trust of leadership is pivotal to organisational performance success. Businesses simply will not achieve sustainable positive cultures and climates without it. For people to thrive and most importantly offer their discretionary talents, creativity, and efforts beyond that which is required as part of their employment contracts, leaders need to engender trust that is key to optimising relationships. Inclusive leadership training contains all of the essential ingredients to ensuring trust establishment leads to a sense of real belonging in the organisation and feelings of being truly valued for being unique authentic individuals.

Inclusive leadership is centred on optimising individual behaviour in the organisation. Not only for the benefit of the organisation but also because leaders have an inherent duty of care for both the organisation as well as everyone that works under their guidance. Whilst businesses are competitive entities, we still wish people to be happy within this environment. This is the win-win formula to retaining our best talent and unlocking the maximum potential within everyone employed.

Looking to the future

Inclusive leadership training ensures participants understand that organisations do not value diversity only because it is ethically correct. Inclusive leadership training is part of teaching organisational survival as the world around us transforms and we need to align ourselves with paradigms and values that will best suit the organisational challenges that manifest internally and externally as the world around us changes. Inclusive leadership training is therefore future-oriented in terms of what is likely to work well and provide the competitive advantage needed to go from strength to strength as an organisation. Stagnation is not an option when it comes to the best human resource practices that will leverage maximum opportunities that exist but are dynamic.

When we look at “what is inclusive leadership”, we come to appreciate it is interwoven in every aspect of a leaders work related role and beyond. Perea, Cited by Hyter and Turnock, 2005: Unknown points to the fact that “Inclusion is not a separate activity. It’s an integral part of the things we do day in and day out. When you talk about a performance appraisal, you build in Inclusion; when you give feedback, when you talk about goal setting and salary, you build in Inclusion. That’s the next level.”

Exponential inclusivity

The beauty of inclusive leadership training is that it teaches leaders the importance of creating leaders within all under their care. It focuses on undoing or minimising hierarchy where everyone is placed alongside everyone else in terms of value. Freedom of thought, opinion, and perspective is engendered to create an environment where people are increasingly comfortable and feel “mainstream” and not marginalised with all the challenges this creates towards excelling. Participation and engagement become non-negotiables.

Inclusive leadership is about taking accountability for guaranteeing a climate of continuous growth and development for everyone and increasingly ensuring a fair and even playing field for all factoring issues of inherent disadvantage. Inclusive leadership training becomes very powerful when leaders comprehend the power of actively removing exclusions within the work environment. Leaders begin to appreciate that apathy and indifference are the true enemies when it comes to achieving inclusion in the workplace. A level of leader activism is warranted continually to establish fertile ground for all to blossom. 

When people see the actions of leaders, in the interests of strengthening inclusively, trust is offered in exchange. Inclusive leaders are competent at inviting others to be equal partners that at their core are involved and committed to opening and sharing as reciprocal supporting of each other in the work context. Soon everyone believes and trusts that their co-workers are always there for them and will have their backs. There is comfort in the real sense of connectedness and belonging. 

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